[New Magic Item] Three Token Staff

Three Token Staff

‘We’ve got company,’ Thoz told the others as he doubled-back down the dungeon hall.

‘How bad?’ asked Arakam.

‘Bad,’ the thief replied and then glanced at the wizard’s staff.

‘I’m not getting stuck here,’ grumbled Krogi as he grabbed one of the dangling paper charms from the wizard’s staff and ate it.

‘No, not that one…’ Arakam began, then shrugged.

‘Just take one, I will find you two eventually,’ Arakam said. Thoz ate a charm and disappeared like the fighter had.

‘I will introduce that idiot to a lightning bolt one day,’ growled Arakam as he ate the last tiny scroll and faded from sight as the troglodyte warband appeared and was dismayed at being robbed of their next meal.

Krogi relaxed in a comfortable chair by a roaring fire, high up in Arakam’s private chambers of his secluded tower. Thoz tried to explain whe he was in a wizard’s library and, with his quick tongue, wasn’t turned into a toad. Arakam sighed deeply and tried not to be seen as he slipped past a rival’s cottage. A rival and ex-lover.

These magic items appear as oaken staffs with a hoop or circle at one end that usually has from one to three magical tokens made of paper hanging inside the circle. Often used to get spellcasters out of a jam.

Benefit: It takes an hour long ritual to attune each token to a location where the spellcaster has been and this leaves the destination written in arcane script on the paper charm that dangles inside the hoop. Once eaten the one eating the charm is transported to the location written on the script, the charm acting as a limited teleport spell created by a caster of at least 4th level, although anyone can thereafter wield the staff. This staff also deals 1d4+1/level damage and holds up to three spells of up to third level.

Usable by: Anyone, although usually spellcasters bear them.

About bät

I write and draw and shamble around the planet.
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1 Response to [New Magic Item] Three Token Staff

  1. Rich McGee says:

    That could be a very nasty way to dump an overly-trusting “friend” in a sticky situation, assuming the caster doesn’t mind tying up one or more tokens on a location they might not want to use themselves. The limitation on needing to have visited the site you’re attuning to puts some restrictions on things – relatively few wizards have personally been to Tiamat’s lair or something similar – but if they’re on good terms with the town watch or local ruler having a token set to a cell in their dungeon would be a good way to collect bounties on the foolish.

    Come to think of it, they don’t have to voluntarily swallow the token, do they? You could coerce a victim into doing so, or trick them into ingesting the magic.

    Might also expect to see a VIP using these staves in the hands of a courier to summon small teams of adventurers to their presence using tokens attuned to some safe receiving point in their stronghold. No need to waste a proper caster or scroll on the task that way, although most PC groups have more than two-three members so you might need multiple staves or a careful selection of stored spells. Alternately, you could have the PCs assigned a pre-attuned staff and tasked to find a trio of specialists to “invite” to their employer’s place, perhaps with the (temporarily used-up) staff as payment. The spell storage function alone makes it pretty handy until you can recharge the tokens themselves.


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