[New Monster] Raboon


The trio looked down from the rafters as a half dozen of the tall monsters scavenged through the main floor of the ruined building then went outside.

‘What are those?’ Krogi asked.

Arakam shrugged and shivered in horror at the thought of fighting those things.

‘I heard of such things, once, long ago. Three broke free on a small galley,’ Thoz answered.

‘What happened?’ the wizard asked.

‘The small ship eventually was retrieved on a beach, wrecked; no survivors,’ the thief told Arakam as they all three shivered.

A puzzled grunt behind them made the trio all turn as the creature howled at the others.

Raboon: AC 6 [+13], HD 2+2 (11hp), Att 2 claws (1d6+2), bite (1d4+1), tail snap (1d4+1) THAC0 17 [+2], MV 180’ (60’) SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 125, NA 1d4 (1d12), TT E, N ▶ Prehensile tail: Can be used to hang from trees, trip, or snap like a whip. ▶ Very strong: Has a 19 Strength and tries holding one victim tight and biting them.

Another magical experiment gone awry and having escaped, the raboon is a menacing combination of giant rat and baboon; smart, mean and relentless. Tall as a human with a ratlike face complete with sharp teeth, these monsters also have long, sharp claws and a prehensile tail. Best avoided at all costs.

About bät

I write and draw and shamble around the planet.
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2 Responses to [New Monster] Raboon

  1. Rich McGee says:

    You’ve unintentionally inspired another blog post:


    Very important not to confuse a raboon with a rabboon when discussing possible security measures, local wildlife, or preparing shipping invoices and customs forms.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bät says:

      That is awesome! I like the idea of a misspelling or hearing something wrong in magical circles causing chaos and more weirdness than expected. My Raboons were inspired by miniatures of were-rats I had gotten in a Kickstarter long ago and they really looked like a mixture of baboon and rat to me. Your interpretation is amazing.

      Liked by 1 person

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