[New Encounter] Cabal of Wands & Rings

Cabal of Wands & Rings

‘Run!’ urged Uzeb the Wise. Jaundo did not need to be told twice this time.

‘What’s wrong?’ the fighter asked as they turned down another twisting alleyway and paused to catch their breath.

‘I believe it is your new ring, it is drawing a lot of attention ever since you stole that apple from the guardsman,’ the sorcerer replied.

‘I was very hungry,’ retorted Jaundo.

‘The people following us don’t look like they are part of the city guard or militia, therefore, we have much bigger problems,’ Uzeb said.

Jaundo shrieked, they both heard a chuckle.

‘The ring! It’s gone!’

‘Just leave it be, sometimes magic items are better off lost,’ Uzeb said sagely.

Jaundo pouted even though he realized the old wizard was probably right.

Not too long ago a band of adventurers found a thieve’s cache of wands and rings, ten of each. Now down to five of each (including adventurers) this group relies on small heists to get by. They tend to fringe around larger towns and cities because the plunder is better, although, so are the chances of better security measures. They are often on the run. Where are the other five rings and wands? The cabal would like to know and are actively hunting them down.

In the game: The wands, known as ‘tap wands’ by the cabal can extract one item from a person at a distance of up to 30′. The ‘tapper’ must know if an unseen object is on the person, otherwise they can only ‘tap’ what they can see. Tapping is a d6 roll, on a result of 2-6 the item was successfully pinched. On a result of 1 the wand fails and the target is aware that they were about to be burgled. Wand also zaps for 1d4 damage up to 15′ away up to three times per day. The rings in question allow the wearer to use a limited form of teleportation, up to 50′, line of site only. Treat members of the cabal as 3rd level Illusionists and 4th level thieves with appropriate abilities and spells.

About bät

I write and draw and shamble around the planet.
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